Monday, February 14, 2011

Why I took so long to start blogging?

I have read blogs regularly for many years. Some blogs are informative (like,, challenging and the best of them are humorous  providing a rare good laugh in the office (like Some are even irritating in a nice way (like and I find myself getting pissed off but going back anyway!
Its because of being an avid reader of blogs that it has taken too long to start blogging. And why so? Simply, I have continuously asked myself, will I have content to blog about often? Will I meet the discipline of regularity? Will I run dry of material to blog about?
No blogging topic to focus?
Of all the blogs I have read, the most interesting are those that stick to a single subject and therefore the blogger are sort of experts in the particular area. As for I find myself scattered in so many fields that my focus is anything but concentrated.

Micro finance moments!
Its not till recently that I discovered a passion in micro finance. I have been involved in providing financial solutions to the poorest and upcoming of society for the last 18 months. Nothing can be more gratifying that seeing someone who could otherwise not access financing, overcome that challenge and go ahead to establish a business that is successful, regardless of the scale.

Contrary to popular belief, there is still a large group of Kenyans who have no access to credit services. Our challenge is to help these Kenyans to cross the gap.

This blog will be a journal of my experiences in the field of micro credit. Helping the poor access credit services and seeing them develop their businesses to meet their daily needs, feed and educate their children and inspire the rest of their societies


Anonymous said...

Hi dear!
Wow! I see you have also started-Blogging... Nice, Nice!!
I would say you are an expert in your, micro-finance and you really got lots of informative articles you can write...
Cheers to Dan's blog!
Cheers to blog's first post!!

Dan Githua said...

Felicity. thanks. You are a little more experienced. whats your take on blogger vs. wordpress?. you are also a IT person. what if one day I want to move content to a new site? is that possible

Anonymous said...

I'm still an amateur blogger too...
Honestly as much as I'm on wordpress, I love the presentation on Blogger. As long as it's a blogging tool it's good enough, there's only too much hype on wordpress since it hasn't been there as long.
Yeah,I understand there is a way to transfer content. You can also get your own .com domain without the .blogspot extension sometime if you like...